Sapere Aude!
dare know !
Horace (epistle, I,2,40)
United States: The over-medicalization of young people
To prevent the over-medicalization of young nonconformists and the damage resulting from medical treatment of trans-identified minors, more and more associations are seeking to raise awareness among the medical and mental health community, LGBT organizations, parents, schools and media.
Lisa Littman
Lisa Littman, an assistant professor at Brown University's School of Public Health, suggests the term ROGD (rapid-onsent gender dysphoria) to describe the sudden onset of gender dysphoria symptoms. in adolescents who had not previously shown any such disorder.
Based on interviews with parents, she underlines the influence of peers and social networks in this syndrome, which would be a mechanism of social adaptation in a context of psychic disorders linked to adolescence.
The followinghere.