Sapere Aude!
dare know !
Horace (epistle, I,2,40)
Lisa Littman
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) Controversy
Lisa Littman, an assistant professor at Brown University's School of Public Health, coined the term to describe testimonies from parents interviewed about their teenage children suddenly showing symptoms of gender dysphoria and identifying as transgender. along with other children in their peer group. Littman hypothesized that the rapid onset of gender dysphoria could be a "social coping mechanism" for other disorders. ROGD is not recognized by any major professional association, with Littman noting that it is "not an official mental health diagnosis at this time."
Littman published adescriptive study in PLOS One in August 2018 Criticism was leveled by some readers and transgender activists, and two weeks after publication PLOS One responded by announcinga post-publication review of the article. On the same day that PLOS One announced its post-publication review, Brown University retracted its press release promoting the study. [The controversy escalated with the publication of articles and opinion pieces, both critical and supportive, in the mainstream media that addressed concerns about the study's methodology and the validity of its assumptions, as well as issues of academic freedom.
In March 2019, the journal concluded its review and republished Littman's revised and edited version. Other researchers have since noticed a much higher incidence of young people seeking treatment for dysphoria, the cause of which has yet to be established.
The Use of Methodologies in Littman (2018) Is Consistent with the Use of Methodologies in Other Studies Contributing to the Field of Gender Dysphoria Research: Response to Restar (2019). Littman L. (2020). Archives of Sexual Behaviour. [link to paper]
Correction: Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria. Littman L. (2019). PLOS ONE. [link to paper]
Parent reports of adolescents and young adults perceived to show signs of a rapid onset of gender dysphoria. Littman L. (2018). PLOS ONE. [link to paper]