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Observatory of ideological discourse on children and adolescents. 
Impact on medical practices,
influence of social networks.

French-language study, resource and information centre

Transidentification of minors (ASP: Angoisse de Sexuation Pubertaire) is the first subject of study

Logo OPS

The Observatory La Petite Sirène (OPS) is an association created in 2021 by a multi-disciplinary professional gathering - associating medical doctors, psychologists, lawyers, psychoanalysts and teachers - with the aim to warn childcare professionals about the impact of social networks and militancy on children development.

Herein, questions are being raised up concerning all the practices resulting from these influences, especially those leading to long lasting and even irreversible consequences on physical and psychological health of growing individuals, such as children and teenagers.

The initial work of the Observatory is focused on 'gender dysphoria'.


Le sermon d'Hippocrate

- La médecine sous l'emprise des idéologies identitaires -

  Céline Masson et Caroline Eliacheff  

A paraître le 19 février 2025

Bloqueurs de puberté, hormones à vie, ablation des seins pour les jeunes filles, chaos familial et social… : Caroline Eliacheff et Céline Masson alertent avec force sur les dangers de la médicalisation précoce des mineurs qui se déclarent trans. Et s’interrogent : comment nombre de médecins peuvent-ils mettre en pratique l’idéologie transaffirmative au détriment des jeunes en prétendant être du côté du bien ? Pourquoi la France tarde-t-elle tant à réagir face aux excès de cette médecine ?


Remontant le cours de l’Histoire, les auteurs donnent des exemples sidérants – castration, lobotomie, thérapies de conversion... – où la médecine, saisie par l’idéologie, a nui aux femmes, aux enfants, ou encore aux homosexuels au nom du bien. En serait-il de même aujourd’hui ?


S’appuyant sur leur expérience et sur des témoignages bouleversants, elles nous expliquent comment résister aux diktats que la militance souhaite imposer à la médecine, et à la société.

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" A new clinical proposition "

After three years of work, the creation of the OPS association, the publication of books and articles, conferences, seminars, working groups, symposia and daily exchanges with professionals and researchers in France and around the world, OPS is presenting a new clinical proposal.

By Céline Masson, psychoanalyst, university professor, Caroline Eliacheff, child psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, Jean Szlamowicz, linguist, university professor, Thierry Delcourt, child psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, Pamela Grignon, CBT clinical psychologist.

Report on
transidentification of minors

Publication of the Report on the transidentification of minors initiated by the LR Group in the Senate with the two experts Céline Masson and Caroline Eliacheff

Logo Sénat
papier texturé

Lundi 13 novembre 2023

Our observatory @OSirene is today receiving the #MarcelleBlum prize, an award that obliges us, encourages us and which we dedicate to all those who have supported us. 

Many thanks.

Under the dome of the Institut de France, the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques awarded the "Marcelle Blum" prize for their work at the Petite Sirène observatory.

After the ceremony, the prize was presented to Céline MASSON and Caroline ELIACHEFF by the Académie, in the presence of former prime ministers and other elected representatives.

Céline Masson et Caroline Eliacheff

Prix Marcelle Blum de l’Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques


The documentary with our colleagues from SEGM

The documentary Affirmation Generation reveals truths about 'trans youth' that the media dare not address.

The transgender protocol (2023)

"A must-see!


This is rare mainstream channel coverage of trans regrets, as well as an interview with Hannah Barnes.

Pro-trans doctors have enough rope to hang themselves.

This report comes from Dutch public broadcaster


Unfortunately, BNNVARA does not include English subtitles, but these are translated by Google and perfectly legible."

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