Sapere Aude!
dare know !
Horace (epistle, I,2,40)
Understanding Adolescents Questioning Their Gender
Limited number of spots
Increasingly, adolescents are questioning their gender, and requests for transition have risen significantly in Western countries in recent years. From schools to specialized care units for adolescents, how can professionals responsible for these adolescents understand this phenomenon? Is it a new relationship to sex, or is it merely another way for many adolescents to escape the distress they face when confronting adolescent psychological issues? What listening and support can we offer these adolescents without succumbing to panic and equipping ourselves to deal with various pressures (familial, social, and sometimes even medical)?
This training offers: a space for information on current controversies and research; the transmission of theoretical frameworks to guide reflection that can meet the challenge of the phenomenon's magnitude and navigate the contradictions among its various approaches. It provides a space for co-construction on how our clinical practices are tested by these new forms of adolescent distress, aiming for each participant to contribute to their own questioning and that of others.