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Letter of support for doctors sued by the OUTrans Association

TRIBUNE - Several doctors are being sued by the OUTrans association before the Conseil départemental de l'ordre for alleged breaches of professional ethics. In an open letter published in Le Figaro on February 16, they are accused of having alerted the Minister of Health to an article on the CAF website entitled "Mon enfant est transgenre, comment bien l'accompagner" ("My child is transgender, how to support him/her"), and of having called for caution regarding gender transitions for minors, given the psychological vulnerability of children and adolescents. Nearly 700 of their colleagues have signed this open letter in support.

We have been informed that our colleagues have been called before the Conseil Départemental de l'Ordre by the OUTrans association for alleged breaches of professional ethics, medical disinformation and the promotion of charlatan practices.

To date, they are : Pr René Frydman, Pr Didier Sicard, Dr Anne-Laure Boch, Dr Claire Squires, Dr Catherine Dolto, Dr Patrick Miller, Dr Christian Flavigny, Dr Manuel Maidenberg, Dr Tristan Garcia-Fons, Pr Jean-Daniel Lallau.

More specifically, they are accused of having alerted the Minister of Health, in an open letter published in Le Figaro on February 16, to an article on the CAF website entitled "Mon enfant est transgenre, comment bien l'accompagner" ("My child is transgender, how to support him properly"), and of having pointed out that :

The human species is made up of two sexes, male and female, and two genders, feminine and masculine;

- The recommendations of the French Academy of Medicine calling for caution in view of the psychological vulnerability of children and adolescents were not included;

- The dangers of social networking for vulnerable children and teenagers have now been confirmed by numerous studies and reports.

We support our colleagues in the alert they have launched.

They have played their role as doctors to the full, and in all conscience, by asking for a new page on the CAF website to provide nuanced and cautious information.

Following our open letter to the press, the CAF website modified this article, mentioning the need for medical and psychological support for children and their parents, the risk of over-diagnosis and the recommendations of the French Academy of Medicine.

We can find no errors in what was written in the offending article, nor any breach of the ethical obligations of the Ordre des Médecins.

The theses relayed by the OUTrans association, which referred the matter to the Council, are invalidated by recent studies and decisions taken in Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom, and in more than a dozen states, notably in the United States.

We are concerned to see that a militant association is taking our colleagues to court for having voiced their legitimate concerns and their desire to protect children from treatments whose benefits have not been proven.

These are pressure tactics designed to stifle scientific and medical debate on this thorny public health issue, by forcing doctors not to follow their professional conscience.



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