Traitement hormonal et chirurgical de la dysphorie de genre chez les jeunes - bénéfique ou non ?
Article paru le 26 octobre 2023 par l'équipe de l'université de Tampere, Finlande
Sami-Ma Ruuska, MD Well-being Services Cunty of North Savo, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Kuopio, and Tampere University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Katinka Tuisku, MD, PhD Helsinki University Hospital, Department of Psychiatry
Riittakertu Kaltiala, MD, PhD, BSc Tampere University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University Hospital, Department of Adolescent Psychiatry, and Vanha Vaasa Hospital
– Gender dysphoria refers to anxiety or suffering due to conflict between gender identity and biological sex.
– Treatments can be divided into medical and surgical. The gold standard for treaGng juveniles, the Dutch model, is based on follow-up research, the quality of which has been challenged.
– Later evidence of treatment outcomes is likewise inconsistent and the methodology is of poor quality.
– Based on current knowledge, conclusions cannot be drawn, especially regarding the psychosocial effectiveness of hormonal treatments