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Spain , Madrid Regional Assembly


In Spain, on December 22, 2023, the Regional Assembly of Madrid abolished the notions of "gender self-determination" and "gender expression".


Trans minors" in the Community of Madrid will only be able to start treatment after being examined by a pediatrician, after being treated "by a mental health professional" (psychologist or psychiatrist), and will need an "indispensable" favorable medical report. If they suffer from two or more mental illnesses or disorders at the same time. In the region, the reversal of the burden of proof, which obliges those accused of discrimination against trans people to prove their innocence, will also disappear, and the right to recognition of one's freely expressed gender identity will be abrogated, as will the free development of one's personality and to be treated in accordance with one's gender identity. Recognition of this group in educational centers and administration will be diluted, and the specific punishment code for offenses that violate the rights of trans and intersex people will be abolished. These are the main consequences of the trans law reform that Isabel Díaz Ayuso's PP registered this Friday in the Regional Assembly, where it will be approved as a matter of urgency thanks to its absolute majority. The same will happen with another reform of the norm against LGTBIphobia. Both laws were approved under Cristina Cifuentes' government, and Vox had been calling for their repeal since 2019.


Source : Sesión Plenaria, viernes 22 de diciembre de 2023, Asamblea de Madrid

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