Review of Audrey A. and Nicolas Casaux's book by Rhadija Lamrani Tissot, psychoanalyst and linguist.
« Né(e)s dans la mauvaise société,
notes pour une critique féministe et socialiste du phénomène trans »
Audrey A. et Nicolas Casaux

This book is written from the perspective of social emancipation and a critique of capitalism. It goes into greater detail on a number of points, allowing us to get to the heart of the reality of trans people, gender affirmation and gender transition, and to realise just how frightening this world is. This book also shows, perhaps more clearly, the link between the market and these theories and the close relations between banks, the business world (especially in the USA) and the world of transsexuals. Throughout the chapters, there is also perhaps more emphasis on the use of this phenomenon by capitalism.
« Dans le monde réel, refuser que les mots possèdent des définitions, c’est refuser de vivre en société, c’est se condamner à errer dans un vaste océan d’indifférenciation, d’indistinction où tout est potentiellement tout et n’importe quoi, où le langage disparait et la pensée avec lui, c’est sombrer dans une forme de folie » …
Far from criticising the stereotypes and social roles with which patriarchal society has associated women, the trans movement reclaims them:
« L’essentialisme transidentitaire est une sorte de projection inversée de l’essentialisme classique. Tandis que l’essentialisme traditionnel, conservateur, prétend que les femmes sont comme ci ou comme ça, l’essentialisme trans-identitaire prétend que les personnes qui sont comme ci ou comme ça sont des femmes. »
Subtle analysis below : « Les rôles de genre font leur retour sans que nous l’ayons remarqué ! C’est simplement que sexe et genre ont été intervertis. Le genre est considéré comme réel tandis que le sexe est considéré comme une construction sociale que la société applique de force à l’enfant. L’identité de genre, en revanche, est dite innée. Il s’agit d’essentialisme de genre ; le genre comme essence indépendante du corps »
« Les caractéristiques que la société patriarcale impose aux femmes deviennent la substance même de ce qui constitue une femme »
In the transsexual logic, it is the logic of liberalism that is pushed to its paroxysm where it is the multitude of private identities that would constitute a kind of government.
The origins of transgender ideology clearly indicate that it is a creation of men, aimed at imposing and satisfying their desires or whims. Things also began in tandem in the early 1960s in the USA with men of science, endocrinologists, sexologists, psychiatrists and surgeons, many of whom went on to become major figures in trans lobbying. (Their lobbying is so powerful that they have succeeded in having chemical and surgical treatments for trans-identity covered by health insurance (by having them considered as ALD), sometimes even for adolescents. This unnecessary medicalisation is often highly harmful for young people suffering from psychological problems that would otherwise have been resolved by accepting their homosexuality (with appropriate psychological support). The details of all these operations are worth the diversions. But there is a very lucrative market here with the many clinics that have opened to operate this transition.
Using subtle reasoning, the author shows how transgenderism is a form of homophobia, with the example of Iran, which uses transgenderism as a tool to transvestite (transform) homosexuals (men in particular) into heterosexuals?
Chapter 19, The transgender stage of capitalism, shows the relationship between the most powerful banks in the USA, transhumanist companies and the various techno-scientific developments of capitalism (some major banks even cover the surgical and medical costs of their employees who want to "transition"). It shows the synergy between industrial capitalism and the trans movement.
Censorship and violence play a major role in the spread of trans ideas. Trans activists use extremely violent methods, even calling for murder, against anyone who criticises them. Many conferences have had to be cancelled, many people have had to stop working, and the verbal violence on social networks has led some young people to commit suicide.
Last but not least, the links between the pornography, prostitution and paedophilia networks and the trans movement are clearly set out, with references to sources that can be consulted. One of these websites (Eunuch Archive) contains thousands of child pornography documents detailing the rape, torture and murder of children.
The book ends with a moving letter from a repentant trans activist.