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Press release from the Comité Laïcité République Caroline Eliacheff censored: fascist methods

Child psychiatrist Caroline Eliacheff, who was due to hold a conference in a Lille media library on Thursday November 17, was prevented from doing so by LGBT activists. Her visit to Paris for a conference on November 20 has also been cancelled by the Mairie de Paris.

The Comité Laïcité République denounces this obstruction of freedom of expression by fascist activist groups.

Scientific discourse can be overturned in the name of beliefs. The work carried out by Caroline Eliacheff and Céline Masson as part of the "La Petite Sirène" Observatory is part of an approach designed to protect children from manipulation via social networks. It is intolerable that anyone, in the name of a supposed defense of minorities, should stand in the way of this.

The Comité Laïcité République gives its full support to La Petite Sirène, and will use every means at its disposal to enable it to express itself and disseminate its work.

Comité Laïcité République,

November 18, 2022.

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